Hi guys and girls,

this question is one of the general sort, so forgive me if it has been
answered here or in some manual I haven't red yet. Probably, I just need a
simpler description.
AFAIK, there are three ways to backup a database:
1. Offline filesystem backup
2. Offline backup in the databases quiesced mode via some api
3. Online backup via api

The first question I have is about the transaction log archiving. With
which of the above does it make sense and why? The second one: does it make
sense to run offline AND online backups in a backup cylce, or will one of
them be save enough? I read through the TSM  Redbook on DB2 UDB
implementation. It just explains the ways RDBMS backups can be done not
which combinations are useful. As far as I could extract, it is rather
useless doing offline backups and log file archiving but no online backups,

Thanks in advance


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