
I would recommend that you open a requirement against the product for
stronger encryption.  By the way, what are the HIPAA requirements as they
relate to data encryption?  Are these well documented?

Jim Smith
TSM development


Hello Jim

Follow up question,

Can you ask if there is anyway for us to get clients that do stronger
encryption, eg tripledes?  If not, are there plans in the future to offer
strong encryption?  This relates to the HIPAA requirements that are

Thanks again.
Jim Sporer

At 10:32 AM 9/26/2002 -0700, you wrote:
>The TSM Backup/Archive client uses 56-bit DES encryption.
>Jim Smith
>TSM Development
> >>>
>Does anyone know what level of encryption is done when using the INCLUDE
>ENCRYPTION option in your dsm.opt file?  Is it DES, triple DES or what?
>Jim Sporer

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