TSM Server, HP-UX Client

We've backed up a bunch of mountpoints:


etc.  They are mountpoints on the original system.

At the DR site, we create a single filesystem/mountpoint:


We would like to select some of the original mountpoints and restore them to
the new /sapprd01 mountpoint and preserve the directory structure.  We're
finding that the file in /install won't end up in a directory called install
at /sapprd01.

Must we have all of the original mountpoints established to make this work?
Is there a clever trick to help us out here?

Thanks gang.

Kelly J. Lipp
STORServer, Inc.
485-B Elkton Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80907
www.storsol.com or www.storserver.com
Fax: (240)539-7175

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