What you do not want is the heads jumping all over the disks servicing many
different files (TSM Volumes).  You have received many responses on this

My lean would be to stripe the database either RAID1 or RAID5 on a given set
of volumes across both arrays (depends on you IO activity).  The reality is
the database does not have that much write activity.  It is mostly read
except during expiration.

For the storage pools disks I would try to use 1 physical disk per volume
and go RAID1, TSM Mirroring, (RAID0 if you can deal with the non
protection).  Or a RAID-5 if you need the space and use a JFS file system.

Others have better experience with this than myself.  I have IBM ESS with a
non-volatile cache, so it is a different ball game.  You may want to try
several things to see what works for you best.

Paul D. Seay, Jr.
Technical Specialist
Naptheon Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mahesh Tailor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2002 8:54 AM
Subject: Disk volumes


OS: AIX 4.3.3
Machine: IBM 6M1

Hopefully this is a simple question:   I have fourteen 36GB drives that
are available for the diskpool and I was wondering whether it is better to
have seven 5GB files or three 10GB files or one 35GB file or something else?
The drives are mounted in two IBM-2014 Ultra-Wide SCSI disk drawers with
separate Ultra-Wide contollers.  The other 14 drives are used for DB, LOG,
and spare.



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