Hi I am running TSM and set a managment class named SYSTEM_OBJECT
for SYSTEM OBJECTs, saying to keep no more than 2 version of each file (
params = 2 1 7 3), it seems to expire quite normally !
In the w2k option set, I have:  Include.systemobject ALL SYSTEM_OBJECT

                René LAMBELET
                NESTEC  SA
                GLOBE - Global Business Excellence
                Central Support Center
                Information Technology
                Av. Nestlé 55  CH-1800 Vevey (Switzerland) 
                tél +41 (0)21 924 35 43   fax +41 (0)21 703 30 17   local
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                This message is intended only for the use of the addressee
        and may contain information that is privileged and confidential.

-----Original Message-----
From: Gretchen L. Thiele [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday,24. September 2002 16:40
Subject: Re: Anyone tried

Hi Fred,

I just took a v4.2.2.12 AIX server to v5.1.1.6 last Saturday.
All I can say is 'not pretty'. This is due to the SYSTEM OBJECT
problem. If you don't know what this is, you will soon if you
have WinXP and Win2K clients backing up to v4 and pre v5.1.1.6

The basic problem is that TSM isn't expiring anything in the
SYSTEM OBJECTs filespace. Some of our clients had over 20GB
in these filespaces! Needless to say, the database blew up
while trying to find out what was going on.

To see if you have this problem, you can type in

show version <nodename> "SYSTEM OBJECT" namet=uni > file

(only use namet=uni if the filespace is unicode). Then
check through the file and look for the number of occurrences
of a file, say ROUTE.EXE. A normal SYSTEM OBJECT filespace,
with four versions, shouldn't be over a gig.

The good news is that v5.1.1.6 does NOT have the SYSTEM
OBJECT problem and the new server is doing very well.

I am writing up the post mortem on the conversion and will
post to the list later this week (at the request of Tivoli
level 2).

Gretchen Thiele
Princeton University

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