If a client quits backing up to a server, the server never has anything to
base the status of an active file on.
In other words, it never knows if it has turned inactive.
Since active files are there as long as the node is, if a box never backs up
again, its active files never go away.


-----Original Message-----
From: Chetan H. Ravnikar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, September 30, 2002 3:47 PM
Subject: retention question (may be trivial)

Hello respected people

forgive me, if this question was talked or asked a million times :)

We currently have a server in production *A* (DLT)

we plan to replace the server *A* with a new beefer server *B* (AIT III)
on the day of putting *B* to production, we plan to rename *B* as *A* and
offcousrse rename *A* to *A-old*

this helps us do as little as zero changes on 50 so clients getting backed
up on to *A*

Since the media being different, we plan no exporting data and etc..

Our intent is to migrate no -data from the old system to the new system,
but keep only the backupsets created on the old system for audit or legal
issues, where as let the data expire through its normal retention.

Assuming we want to keeo the old-system up for a while

The question I have, how is the retention handled with respect to the last
copy of files (for all nodes) backed up on the old system!?

will they expire or stay forever, since the clients are no longer backed
up to the old-system.

Is there a value I can look at to say,
Other than what I have set on the *Retain only version to 120 days*
They will expire after a *x* days or will it not expire at all

thanks for your input

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