I am unable to add a new tape to the library, and I just can't figure out
what I'm doing wrong. Can someone give me some tips? We've got an IBM 3575
L18 tape library, runing adsm server 3.1 on an AIX 4.3.3 machine. Tape
library has 2 drives in it (/dev/rmt0, /dev/rmt1). We have one library
named ITG-3575. We've got several failed tapes in the libray and I must
replace them with new good ones. The new ones are coming right out of a
Magstar MP tape box which is brand spanking new. Here's the commands I
entered, and yes, ive moved all data off the tape first.

# move all data off the tape, the remove it.
adsm> checkout libvolume ITG-3575 xxxxxx checklabel=no
adsm> reply 001

# define new tape volume
adsm> define volume ITG-3575TAPE 311E98 ACCESS=READWrite

# put in the new tape volume
adsm> checkin libvolume ITG-3575 311E98 status=private
adsm> reply #

the first two stages seem to work, but when i try the third stage i get
the following error:

ANR8335I 015: Verifying label of 3570 volume 3121CF in drive TAPEDRIVE1
ANR8353E 015: I/O error reading label of volume in drive TAPEDRIVE1
ANR8786I 016: Remove 3570 volume from entry/exit port;   insert volume
3121CF R/W into entry/exit port of library ITG-3575 within 60 minute(s);
issue 'REPLY' along with the request ID when ready.

so i try it again and again and it tries verifying the tape in each of the
2 drives, but it never verifys so i just have to cancel the process. PAIN

so, the messages manual says to make sure the tape is inserted correctly,
which it is, then make sure the volume has been labeled using the dsmlabel
command, which is wierd cause i though you only use that command on the
drives not on tapes???, and then it say to check if the DEVICE parameter
is correct on the DEFINE DRIVE command, which im pretty sure it is.

our library has been working for years, but ive just never needed to
replace tapes until now. so im pretty certain the drives work fine, i mean
we backup and restore data just fine, all the time. drives must be okay.
so i must be making some error in my commands to insert the new tape.

any ideas?

thanks in advance,

---                                                        ---
   Alex Lazarevich | Systems | Imaging Technology Group
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] | (217)244-1565 | www.itg.uiuc.edu
---                                                        ---

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