Been a while and I'd have to double check but...
You might not want to use compression if you use encryption...
I believe it encrypts first then tries to compress and encrypted data
doesn't compress (much).
Something to double check.


-----Original Message-----
From: J D Gable [mailto:josh.gable@;]
Sent: Monday, October 21, 2002 4:13 PM
Subject: Encryption

Does anybody have any evidence/research as to what kind of additional
overhead encryption puts on a client when processing a backup (CPU,
Memory, etc.)?  I am running some tests myself, but the numbers are
staggering (we're seeing up to a 300% increase in the backup time in
some cases).  I understand that it is largely based on the horsepower of
the node, but I was wondering if anyone else is seeing the same, or if
anyone knew a place I could get some additional info on encryption.

Thanks in advance for your time,

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