HI Joe

I do an Oracle backup and SAP backups the Unix staff have done a whole lot
of fancy scripting for me and extract data to a log file which is then
e-mailed to all the relevant people each day. Possibly you could get some
scripting done for this. I have incled a sample output below from our daily
SAP backups.

If you require the script used maybe I can arrange a copy.

*Date: Mon Oct 21 20:00:18 SAST 2002
*   Starting backup of SPP   *
BKI1215I: Average transmission rate was 40.181 GB/h (11.429 MB/sec).
BKI0020I: End of backint program at: Mon Oct 21 21:35:49 2002 .
BKI0021I: Elapsed time: 35 min 24 sec .
BKI0024I: Return code is: 0.
BKI1215I: Average transmission rate was 0.019 GB/h (0.005 MB/sec).
BKI0020I: End of backint program at: Mon Oct 21 21:36:22 2002 .
BKI0021I: Elapsed time: 29 sec .
BKI0024I: Return code is: 0.
*   Backup of SPP complete   *
*Starting backup of redo logs*
BKI1215I: Average transmission rate was 12.054 GB/h (3.429 MB/sec).
BKI0020I: End of backint program at: Mon Oct 21 21:37:04 2002 .
BKI0021I: Elapsed time: 40 sec .
BKI0024I: Return code is: 0.
BKI1215I: Average transmission rate was 11.124 GB/h (3.164 MB/sec).
BKI0020I: End of backint program at: Mon Oct 21 21:37:35 2002 .
BKI0021I: Elapsed time: 30 sec .
BKI0024I: Return code is: 0.
BKI1215I: Average transmission rate was 0.082 GB/h (0.023 MB/sec).
BKI0020I: End of backint program at: Mon Oct 21 21:38:13 2002 .
BKI0021I: Elapsed time: 38 sec .
BKI0024I: Return code is: 0.
*Date: Mon Oct 21 20:38:15 SAST 2002
*Commence SPD backup at 20:38:15
* Shutdown Appl & db for SPD *
*   Starting backup of SPD   *
BKI1215I: Average transmission rate was 40.049 GB/h (11.392 MB/sec).
BKI0020I: End of backint program at: Mon Oct 21 22:19:55 2002 .
BKI0021I: Elapsed time: 40 min 43 sec .
BKI0024I: Return code is: 0.
BKI1215I: Average transmission rate was 0.016 GB/h (0.004 MB/sec).
BKI0020I: End of backint program at: Mon Oct 21 22:20:54 2002 .
BKI0021I: Elapsed time: 35 sec .
BKI0024I: Return code is: 0.
*   Backup of SPD complete   *
*    Start up SAP for SPD    *
*Commence SPQ backup at 21:22:20
* Shutdown Appl & db for SPQ *
*   Starting backup of SPQ   *
BKI1215I: Average transmission rate was 49.056 GB/h (13.954 MB/sec).
BKI0020I: End of backint program at: Mon Oct 21 23:00:59 2002 .
BKI0021I: Elapsed time: 37 min 39 sec .
BKI0024I: Return code is: 0.
BKI1215I: Average transmission rate was 0.020 GB/h (0.006 MB/sec).
BKI0020I: End of backint program at: Mon Oct 21 23:01:43 2002 .
BKI0021I: Elapsed time: 29 sec .
BKI0024I: Return code is: 0.
*   Backup of SPQ complete   *
*    Start up SAP for SPQ    *

----- Original Message -----
From: "Wholey, Joseph (TGA\MLOL)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2002 3:26 PM
Subject: Monitoring oracle Backups

Recently installed TDP for Oracle.  DBA's would like to be paged "real time"
if a database backup fails.  Aside from the paging part, does anyone know
where I can pull the status of an Oracle database
backup as soon as it completes.  I don't want to extract from the client
logs (when would I start looking?)  And the Activity log does not supply all
that much useful information.  Any help would be
greatly appreciated.

thx.  -joe-

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