Hi *SM'ers,

I'm facing a strange problem, and would like to know if somebody could give me an 
explanation ...
The picture :
We had a policy domain, named "NT" defined for Windows systems,  that got only one 
mgmt class, called NT-SYSTEMS, copy group looking like that :
NT ACTIVE NT-SYSTEM STANDARD 15 15 30 60, pointing to a disk pool called diskpool_win.
I then was required to initiate new backups, for Microsoft SQL DB's. I thought it 
would not be necessary to create a new policy domain to do those backups, and just 
added new management classes and copy pools, looking like :
NT ACTIVE MGMT-SQL-FULL  STANDARD 6 0 No Limit No Limit, pointing directly to a tape 
pool called tapelto_sql_full, used for SQL full backups
NT ACTIVE MGMT-SQL-LOG  STANDARD 1 0 No Limit No Limit , pointing to a disk pool named 
diskpool_sql_logs, size 4 GB, used for SQL log backups
NT ACTIVE MGMT-SQL-META  STANDARD 6 0 No Limit No Limit, pointing to a disk pool named 
diskpool_sql_meta, size 1MB, used for SQL meta data
I activated, and validated the whole stuff, and next night, got all my NT nodes having 
backup status "failed". After some headscratching, I found my problem was due to the 
fact that all directory data was sent to diskpool_sql_meta, which was too small, and 
had no migration pool. So far I agreed : directory data had took the management class 
having the longest retention period.
I then built a new disk storage pool, named diskpool_dir, size 4 GB, attached to a new 
Mgmt class looking like : 

And also defined a new client option set for NT nodes, specifying "DIRMC MGMT-DIR". 
Once again activated the whole thing, and had 3 peaceful nights ... until today.
The event logger showed me some NT nodes had status "failed" for their backup, reason 
: "no space available". I then found that diskpool_meta was once again full, because 
those nodes had written directories path into it ! But that time I really can't 
understand what happened. 
Does anybody have a clue what  happens here ? 
Zillion thanks in advance !

| Arnaud Brion, Panalpina Management Ltd., IT Group     |
| Viaduktstrasse 42, P.O. Box, 4002 Basel - Switzerland |
| Phone: +41 61 226 19 78 / Fax: +41 61 226 17 01       | 

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