
I for one miss the old adsm.org - I enjoyed looking at the scripts, add ons,
and archives in a simple - usable way - I feel as frustrated with the site
now as everyone else does with the IBM/Tivoli site - there are no options
under options - no links to the helpful aids and sites we could find so
easily before ... So - I guess we all are in agreement - we hate change if
it is not for the better!!!

Jane Bamberger
IS Department
Bassett Healthcare
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark Stapleton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2002 11:31 PM
Subject: Re: adsm.org unusable

> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@;VM.MARIST.EDU]On Behalf Of
> Kai Hintze
> > What happened to adsm.org? I tried to go and look for something in the
> > archives but they weren't there! Instead the site was some funky
> > discussion
> > board with several columns.
> >
> > The meat of the board was the middle column. But the column was too
> > so I couldn't see an entire message without scrolling left and right,
> > the scroll bar was two screens below the message so I couldn't
> > ever read an
> > entire message.
> >
> > The right hand column was a poll that didn't let me participate.
> >
> > The left hand column invited me to log in, and had numerous resource
> > lists--one of which was the archives, but I STILL CAN'T READ THEM
> > THE COLUMN IS TOO NARROW! And I DON'T want yet another place to log in.
> >
> > Please, _please_, PLEASE give me back the archives.
> Don't cry, bunky. The archives are still there, and you don't have to log
> to read them. (You do have to log in if you want to participate in the
> public polls--which are worth about as much as you pay to use them.)
> Seriously, I have some issues with adsm.org as well. I really like some of
> the new features (including the TSM event calendar). However, the site's
> owners are trying to create yet another forum for TSM discussion. I guess
> shouldn't mind that much, but it strikes me that they've created a forum
> those who can't quite handles the complexities of subscribing to a mailing
> list. ;o)
> And if they don't do something about the lack of width for the archive
> output, I might just have to hurt someone. :oP
> --
> Mark Stapleton ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> Certified TSM consultant
> Certified AIX system engineer

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