
I have a few questions about a possible backup scenario.

The scenario includes two TSM servers, a firewall and a number of clients
placed outside the firewall.

The exact configuration is a little more complicated than I describe here,
but for the sake of simplicity
I will try to describe the scenario as simple as possible.

The simplified scenario is :
Two clients, called client_a and client_b are placed outside the firewall.
One TSM server, called tsm_ext, is placed outside the firewall. It has no
tape library.
One TSM server, called tsm_int, is placed inside the firewall. It has a
large tape library.

The clients will backup to the external server tsm_ext, but since tsm_ext
has no tape library
tsm_ext will have to pass the data on to virtual volumes on the internal
server tsm_int.

This is being done by establishing a server-to-server communication between
tsm_ext and
On tsm_ext a "define server" command has defined tsm_int  as "int1" with
the appropriate IP address,
port etc.
The necessary device class "int1c" pointing to "int1"and a sequential pool
"int1p" pointing to "int1c"
has been defined and the tsm_ext has been defined as a client "extsvr1"
(type=server) on tsm_int.
Everything OK.

The server-to-server mechanism has been tested and it works perfectly, data
being backed up to
the "int1p" pool on the tsm_ext server on a virtual volume.

Now to the problem and question.
On the internal server, tsm_int,  all data that comes from tsm_ext will be
owned by client "extsvr1" and
will be stored according to the policies that apply to this client.
I.e. if it eventually goes to a tapepool on tsm_ext it will be collocated
(if collocation is on, of course)
on a range of tapes in the library.

Well, the data coming from tsm_ext contains data from two clients (client_a
and client_b).
This data will be intermixed on the virtual volumes and eventually also on
the physical volumes
in the library
Thus we have lost collocation for clents_a and client_b in the tape
library, with the usual potential
problems in a restore situation as a consequence.
Now consider that in real life it's not just two clients but a larger
number (50+)

Is there any way we can pass the data on from tsm_ext to tsm_int and still
maintain separation/collocation
between the "real" clients after the data is passed on to tsm_int as coming
from client "extsvr1" ?

We have considered a brute-force approach by defining a complete set of
for each real "client" thus having the internal server. tsm_int, see data
as coming from different clients and
thereby collocating data for each client in the tape library.
This _will_  work (I've tested it for two instances) but I really don't
like having to it that way.

Is there any other way we can accomplish what we want (to keep the client
data collocated in
the tape library) ?



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