One way to do this is to take periodic "query session" readings and count
A better way (ours) is to analyze the activity log for session-start and
session-end messages (not as easy as it sounds, but do-able).
This is better because:
        1. It doesn't hammer your TSM server with queries
        2. It sees all the fine detail of session activity.  When a TSM schedule
fires, you may have 50 nodes in session - but only for a minute.  60 seconds
later 8 of them are done; two minutes later 25 of the are done.  So there's
a spike of activity that you'd miss, if you only took a reading once every
five minuntes.

What good is this detail?  Well, when you look at a night's worth, you might
see that there's a spike at 8PM, which is mostly done by 8:30.  Then there's
another spike at 10PM.  But from 8:30 to 10:00 PM, nothing much is
happening.  So you can see that it might be smart to move your 10 PM job up
to 8:30, and squeeze your backups into a smaller window.

Mr. Lindsay Morris
Lead Architect, Servergraph
859-253-8000 ofc
425-988-8478 fax

> -----Original Message-----
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@;VM.MARIST.EDU]On Behalf Of
> Niklas Lundstrom
> Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2002 2:42 AM
> Subject: Re: how many active session?
> Hello
> The TSM Manager can provide you with this and much more. There is a free
> 30day  trialversion to download at I think the
> product is
> very good
> Regards
> Niklas
> -----Original Message-----
> From: MC Matt Cooper (2838) [mailto:Matt.Cooper@;AMGREETINGS.COM]
> Sent: den 16 oktober 2002 13:31
> Subject: how many active session?
> Does anyone know of a way to track the number of active sessions
> overnight.
> I know you can schedule re-occurring QUERY SESSIONs and then
> count them.   I
> want to just get the number of active sessions say every 15, 30 or 60
> minutes.   I have to find the best place to move some backups but I don't
> have way of tracking this.
> Would that TSM MANGER product provide this?
> Thanks
> Matt

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