we've got ADSM 3.1 on an AIX 4.3.3 machine, with a 3575 tape library.

we had a major hardware failure, and i'm restoring the last filesystem
right now. i'm trying to retore a filesystem on an aix system, let's
say its called /home/dude. its a 20GB filesystem. 7GB has already been
restored a few days ago, but the session died because of a missing tape
 which we do not have anymore (data not available to server) (don't ask
why we dont have the tape anymore). but now i must restore the rest of
that filesystem. there was a restartable session for this restore, which i
canceled yesterday.

since the restartable seesion is canceled. im just trying to restart a
brand new restore for that filesystem. i go to the aix client, type dsm,
then choose to restore /home/dude, then it starts working, and at some
point it asks me if i want to overwrite, i say NO, then it hangs. its been
sitting there for 90 minutes??!?!?:

1,380 Tcp/Ip RecvW  1.5 H  826.4 K   5.2 K Node  AIX    HERA.ITG.UIUC.EDU

also, when i do a q rest i get this:

  Sess    Restore        Elapsed    Node Name              Filespace
Number    State          Minutes                           Name
------    -----------    -------    ---------------------
    -1    Restartable         88    HERA.ITG.UIUC.EDU      /home/mac/dude

but the sessions should show up as ACTIVE, not Restartable.

so how do i finish restoring this filesystem? i looked in the
administrator guide, page 204, and it does NOT say how to start a
restartable session. it only says how to cancel it.

any ideas? should i just start over? i hate to do that if im just gonna
have to wait another 90 minutes for it to start restoring.

thanks in advance,

---                                                        ---
   Alex Lazarevich | Systems | Imaging Technology Group
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] | (217)244-1565 | www.itg.uiuc.edu
---                                                        ---

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