Hi *SMrs

we have some issues with a fully working client,

                     Platform: HPUX
               Client OS Level: B.11.00
                Client Version: Version 4, Release 2, Level 1.0

running direct to tape on a server Sol-2.8 version 4.2.20 and we are
seeing that the backups are failing with the error code below. How do I
debug this, I don't see any errors on the server!
happened three times in a row!

thanks for all your help and time

otal number of objects backed up:        0
Total number of objects updated:          0
Total number of objects rebound:          0
Total number of objects deleted:          0
Total number of objects expired:          0
Total number of objects failed:           0
Total number of bytes transferred:    49.13 MB
Data transfer time:                  113.72 sec
Network data transfer rate:          442.41 KB/sec
Aggregate data transfer rate:        407.03 KB/sec
Objects compressed by:                    0%
Elapsed processing time:           00:02:03
ANS1028S Internal program error.  Please see your service representative.

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