Hi all,

since some days the 'reconcile volumes' does not run anymore on one of my
servers (AIX4.3.3 TSM-Server V 4.1.4).
We use server-to-server virtual volumes and the job breaks with following
messages :
11/05/02 13:56:46 ANR4344I RECONCILE VOLUMES started for device class
BC01DEVCL (process ID 3798).
11/05/02 13:56:47 ANR9999D admserv.c(2317): Unable to get volume attributes.

11/05/02 13:56:47 ANR4343W RECONCILE VOLUMES process terminated - internal
server error detected.
11/05/02 13:56:47 ANR4343W RECONCILE VOLUMES process terminated - internal
server error detected.
11/05/02 13:56:47 ANR0985I Process 3798 for RECONCILE VOLUMES (INSPECT ONLY)
running in the BACKGROUND completed with completion state FAILURE at

Does anybody know how to solve the problem ?


Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma KG
IT Department

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