I have seen this happen once (long time ago) I did not get an answer from
IBM as to what caused the problem.  However the following steps did fix the

1. check the tape out of the library with remove=no option.
2. Open up the library and put the tape in the recovery slot.
3. Check the tape back into the library.

I just checked my notes.  The only reason that the tape was checked out with
the remove=no option was that a regular checkout  failed.  I do not have
anything in my notes as to why we put the tape in the recovery slot vs. the
I/O station.

I hope this helps in your situation.


-----Original Message-----
From: David E Ehresman [mailto:deehre01@;LOUISVILLE.EDU]
Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2002 3:29 PM
Subject: Volume not available?

I'm getting "ANR1229W Volume 700270 cannot be backed up - volume is
offline or access mode is "unavailable" or "destroyed" " messages for a
volume.  A "q libvol 3494 700270"  reports the volume is in the library.
 A "q vol 700270 f=d" reports access=read/write and status=filling.  The
tape is not already mounted on a drive when the error occus.  So in what
sense is this tape unavailable or destroyed and how do I convince TSM to
use the tape.


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