I submitted this today. I think the only way anyone at IBM is going to do
anything is if more of us request it. Can you imagine what I'm in for? I 'm
told another terabyte of space is going to be added on this one server so I
could expect another 8 million files. It will never get backed up.

I have another computer I can try this on, much much smaller numbers, but
still on the SAN. I'll let you know if anything differs.

                        Marketing Field Requirement

* = Required Field
| Number              |MR1107026641
| Status              |Acknowledged
| Section Editors:                         |
|                                          |
| User Marketing Field Requirement Number: | MR1107026641
| *Title:                                  | Enable Journal Backups for
Network/SAN disks.                               |
| *Description:                            | Currently the Journal Backups
do not work on Network/SAN disks. Please      |
|                                          | change the code to have it
work.                                            |
| *Priority:                               | High
|                                          |
| *Requested Completion Date:              | 12/31/2002
|                                          |
|                 (Original Requested Date)| 12/31/2002

Geoff Gill
TSM Administrator
NT Systems Support Engineer
Phone:  (858) 826-4062
Pager:   (877) 905-7154

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Pete Tanenhaus [mailto:tanenhau@;US.IBM.COM]
> Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 1:11 PM
> Subject: Re: Journaling
> By nonlocal I did mean network drives.
> To be more precise, drives that NT considers to be network drives.
> To perfectly honest, I'm not all that familiar with SAN and haven't tried
> to journal a SAN attached device.
> Journal Based Backup relies on the Win32 api ReadDirectoryChangesW to
> monitor file system change activity.
> If this api will work with a SAN attached device (it doesn't with mapped
> drives),
> Journal Based Backup will work, if it doesn't it won't.
> It hasn't been tested so I can neither confirm nor deny that it will/won't
> work, and of course the official
> position will be that if it hasn't been tested we don't support it.
> If you are in a position to try it please post your results on the list,
> I'd be interested.
> Implementing Jbb on any type of NAS device would be difficult as  NAS
> only implement (actually
> simulate might be a better term) a portion of the NT file system and any
> type of journaling solution
> would have to work in the context of the file system api support the
> particular NAS vendor provides,
> and I seriously doubt (but don't know for sure) that any type change
> monitor support would be available, and
> even if were it would probably be specific to the particular NAS box
> meaning that we potentially would
> have to implement a different solution each specific NAS filer.
> Pete Tanenhaus
> Tivoli Storage Solutions Software Development
> tieline: 320.8778, external: 607.754.4213
> "Those who refuse to challenge authority are condemned to conform to it"

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