
> I currently have a little problem understanding how the switch "Migration
> requires Backup" works for my HSM-Client. I understand that a file can only
> be
> migrated to TSM when a Backup version of this file already exists on the
> server.

  Nope. If you define in your MGmtclass MIGREQUIRESBkup NO, then migration will
  can take place even if there is no backup version.

> Am I right that I have 2 backups of the same file consuming twice the
> space on the tapes if I use this option ?

  Yes, I'm afraid you'r right. But because HSM is still a little bit tricky
  (ok, we use it now for more then 7 years), we prefere MIGREQUIRESBkup YES,
  which is the default also.

> Quite confused,

  Not anymore, I hope...

  Henk ten Have.

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