> Is there any way, or is it possible, to get more than one scheduled event
> to occur on a client during the same time (or overlapping times) in which
> the scheduler is controlled via dsmcad?   I don't remember if this was
> even possible using 'dsmc sched'.

The 'dsmc sched' mechanism behaved just like dsmcad with regard to
overlapping scheduled events.

> Example:
> At midnight a schedule is kicked off to incremental backup filesystem 'a'.
>  This filesystem has many large files which change daily, and the
> incremental runs for several hours.
> It is also desired at around 1AM to kick off a schedule to incremental
> backup filesystem 'b'.

I know of two ways to do this with 'dsmc sched'. One can use the central
scheduler to run a script that spawns child process to run two 'dsmc inc'
commands at appropriate times. I am reasonably sure this approach will
also work with dsmcad. Alternatively, one can register two node names
for the system, run a copy of the client scheduler process for each node
name, and set up a separate schedule for each node. This approach entails
creating two server stanzas in dsm.sys with an explicit nodename option
in at least one of the stanzas. It also entails using the -servername
option when starting at least one of client scheduler processes. I don't
know whether this second approach can be modified to work with dsmcad.

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