Ron Lochhead wrote:

How long should weekly reclaimation of copypools take?  I have a copypool
library of 40 volumes.  I have tried to do copypool reclaimation on a
weekly basis but have not gotten it to finish in a 5-8 hour day?  We are
using TSM 5.1 on the client side in a Win 2k environment.  How long should
I expect it to take?

Thanks for any help.
Ron Lochhead


Your problem maybe related to the number of eligable tapes for the
reclamation value you are using.  ITSM looks at all eligable tapes and
sort of tries to reclaim them all at once.  Therefore, if there are
several tapes it appears that it never finishes.  When in fact it is
getting work done but maybe not enough on any one tape to actually
reclaim it.  This has been discussed on this list at length previously
so rather than going into a detailed description I will just give you a
couple of suggestions for working around this issue.

Of course as stated earlier doing the reclamation daily will improve
things but if that is not possible.  Try picking a reclamation value
that will only make one or two tapes candidates.  This will complete
much faster and at least net you some reclaimed tapes.  Another
methodology that I much prefer is to not do reclamation on copypools at
all.  Instead I simply do "move data" commands.  Again I can use query
or select to determine the candidates that I want to do a "move data" on
based on % utilization.  In addition this allows me to do several at a
time makiong better use of my available tape drives.  With a little
creative script writing this can be done as a scheduled event.  In fact,
I seem to remember somone had posted a script that they used to do this.

I hope this has helped.

Mark D. Rodriguez
President MDR Consulting, Inc.

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