Hi all,

I have some work due to start on a TSM implementation utilising a 3494
library. This implementation has copy pool stoarage set up, but no volumes
have ever been checked out from the library !.

I have not supported ADSM for sometime , but traditionally I used the
following for off-site storage.

Checking out tapes.

1. q volume * access=offsite location="<Description>" where stgpool=<Name
of copy stgpool> whereaccess=readwrite,readonly, wherestatus=filling,full

2. Check out all the above volumes

3. Update the volumes to mark them offsite.

Checking in tapes.

4. q vol stgpool=<Name of Copy Storage Pool> access=offsite status=empty

5. Check volumes into the library using the checkin libv command.

6. Update the from step 4 to read/write to return the volumes to scratch

upd vol <volume name > access=readwrite

I have been  looking through the TSM reference and am considering using the
move media command. I have a few questions about the move media command ?

1. Do you need to issue update vol acc=offsite after the move media command
has been issued ?
2. Can the move media be used with 3494 libraries ?

Is the following a suitable solution.

Check out volumes.

a)  move media * stgpool=copystgpool wherestatus=full,filling
access=readwrite,readonly ovflocation="Offsite Vault" cmd="update vol &vol

Check in volumes.

a) q media * stgpool=copystgpool wherestatus=empty cmd="checkin libv
3494lib &vol status=private" cmdfile=/tmp/updvolsaftercheckin.mac

b) move media * stgpool=copystpool wherestatus=empty cmd="update vol &vol
acc=readwrite" cmdfile=/tmp/checkin.mac

c) Run /tmp/checkin.mac to check in vols.

d) Run /tmp/updvolsaftercheckin.mac

Any comments would be appreciated.

Thx Jason

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