=> On Tue, 10 Dec 2002 09:23:42 +1100, Gordon Woodward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> Can anyone tell me how you define what storage pools a SOURCE server uses on
> a TARGET server when doing SERVER to SERVER operations? I've tried looking
> for the answer in the TSM Admin Guide and searching this list but to no
> avail.

>From the perspective of the target server, the source server functions very
much like a normal node performing archive operations.  Like a portmanteau,
this already answers your question, but I'm going to unpack it a bit. :)

> Currently we have a Primary TSM server and a Backup TSM server, with all
> backup data on our Primary server being copied across to our Backup server
> for DR purposes. On the Primary server we have a SERVER type DEVCLASS called
> OFFSITE which points to our Backup server (as per TSM Admin guide). On the
> Backup server we have two storage-pools, one diskpool called ARCH-S2S which
> flows onto a TAPEPOOL called TAPE-S2S.

I bet you updated the definition of a copygroup to execute that chage.  I bet
your ran something like

upd copy somedomain somepolicy somemgmt somecopy dest=ARCH-S2S

but I bet you didn't run

upd copy somedomain somepolicy somemgmt somecopy Type=Archive dest=ARCH-S2S

- Allen S. Rout

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