You know, there seems to be a similar issue with filespace naming with the new Netware 
cluster aware client. We're awaiting a server
upgrade to pursue it further. Seems as it the 'getservername' API call is at the heart 
of this.

David Rigaudiere wrote:

> Yes, i have exactly the same problem with Windows & Double-Take,
> i would like change the way that TSM nam the the filespacing naming
> process.
> --
> David  Rigaudiere  -+-  Administration  TSM + NT
> Paris -+- 40, rue de Courcelles -+- 4e étage -+-
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] -+- 01.5621.7802
> |---------+--------------------------->
> |         |           Peter Bjoern    |
> |         |           <pebjn@WMDATASDC|
> |         |           .DK>            |
> |         |           Sent by: "ADSM: |
> |         |           Dist Stor       |
> |         |           Manager"        |
> |         |           <[EMAIL PROTECTED]|
> |         |           T.EDU>          |
> |         |                           |
> |         |                           |
> |         |           11/12/2002 12:45|
> |         |           Please respond  |
> |         |           to "ADSM: Dist  |
> |         |           Stor Manager"   |
> |         |                           |
> |---------+--------------------------->
>   |                                                                                  
>                                             |
>   |        To:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                             
>                                             |
>   |        cc:                                                                       
>                                             |
>   |        Subject: Question about Veritas Cluster and filespace name                
>                                             |
> Hi
> We have a situation with a Veritas cluster installed on two Win2000
> servers.
> The physical servers are called J2P-CLUSTER101 and J2P-CLUSTER102.
> There is a virtual server defined with the name WEB1.
> Each physical server has it's own C: drive which is backed up via a
> schedule
> that specifies 'C:' and 'systemobject' on the domain statement in the
> option file.
> The C: filespaces are given the names \\J2P-CLUSTER101\C$ and
> \\J2P-CLUSTER102\C$ respectively.  This is all OK.
> There is a shared drive X: which is associated with the WEB1 resource and
> moves with WEB1 between the two physical servers so that it is available
> either on J2P-CLUSTER101 or J2P-CLUSTER102.
> X: is backed up from a virtual node defined in TSM called WEB1 and via a
> separate TSM scheduler
> service with an option file that  specifies X: on the domain statement.
> If this had been a Microsoft Cluster installation, we would have specified
> 'CLUSTERNODE YES' in the optionfiles to make TSM name the X: filespace
> with the virtual clustername (WEB1) so that it would have been named
> \\WEB1\X$ regardless of which physical server it was backed up from.
> However, CLUSTERNODE does not work with a Veritas cluster, so the result is
> that we get two parallel filespaces named  \\J2P-CLUSTER101\X$ and
> \\J2P-CLUSTER101\X$ because X: sometimes resides on J2P-CLUSTER101
> and some times on J2P-CLUSTER102.
> From previous postings on this list I get the impression that there is
> nothing
> we can do to solve this, but I just want to be sure if this is true....
> How are other people who are running Veritas clusters and TSM solving this
> ?
> This is a bad situation and one could fear (from a TSM person point of
> view) that
> it could pave the way for the introduction of Veritas backup software at
> the site.
> If CLUSTERNODE cannot easily be enhanced to support Veritas clusters as
> well, all we would need would be a new statement in the option file,
> perhaps called
> MACHINENAME or so, where we could specify 'MACHINENAME WEB1' in the
> optionfile and then have TSM use this name is the filespacing naming
> process.
> Regards
> Peter
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Jim Kirkman
AIS - Systems
UNC-Chapel Hill

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