On Wed, 18 Dec 2002, Sias Dealy wrote:

> No, your not going blind.

Maybe you both are looking wrong direction :)

> There is no TSM client that will run on DYNIX/ptx.

There is.

> Here is the URL that shows what platform are supported by TSM
> http://www.tivoli.com/products/index/storage-mgr/platforms.html

Here are the urls with TSM client for Dynix/Numaq:


> ---- On    , Cook, Dwight E ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > I didn't see anything but I'm going blind in my old age...
> > Is there any tsm client that will run on a Sequent box with DYNIX/ptx(R)
> > V4.4.4

The ADSM version 3.1 client should work with this Dynix version. The only
question is interoperability with current server versions. TSM versions
3.7 and above work only on Dynix/NumaQ 4.5.x (according to README).

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        Why Did You Reboot That Machine?

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