
>Can someone with experience of TDP for Informix advise on an effective
strategy for expiring old backups.

As far as I know there is no neat way to expire logical logs, since every
logical logs has its own unique name.
It would be a good solution if you could delete backup files on the TSM
server. Under srver version 5.1 there is a "Backup Delete Allowed?" property
of the client nodes, that suggests this can be done,but I couldn't find how
to. If someone knows  how to do this, please tell me. :)

>perhaps someone could confirm if level 0 backups have unique names too or
if the same name is used each time).
        No, they don't have unique names, so expiration works good for
database chunks.

>It's surprising the TDP for Informix Installation and User's Guide doesn't
discuss this. Or have I missed a really useful readme somewhere?
        No, you didn't miss anything. TDP for Informix is very poorly
documentated. (I mean there is a lot of stuff on how to install, but there
is almost nothing on how to use..)

        Imre Csatlos

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