I have had this issue on some of ours, and  rather than fight it, to reclaim
a tape or two
I have done a 'move data <volname>' and if it is a copypool volume that is
offsite, it will
move the data from the volume logically (from local tape or disk pool) to a
new copypool
volume (or append to a current one that is onsite and in the library) and

For some reason it sounds like you are not getting reclamation working for
you.  On
copypool volumes, if you have several that are small, like under 5 percent
on the
tapes, try setting 'update stg <your-copypool> rec=95' rather than a lower
number to
clean up the small amounts.  The work it up to 90, 85, etc, until you are a
the threshold
you like.  This method of 'stairstepping' would probably be better then the
'move data'
method (above) anyway.  But both work.

... JC

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2002 10:21 AM
> Subject:      Many, almost empty volumes ??
> Hi TSM'rs
> I am sure someone has had this before..
> TSM Server 4.2 (Windows 2000) connected to a SAN based 18 slot LTO 3583.
> The total amount of storage is around 60GB which means there should never
> really be more that two, or at worst three tapes in the offsite pool. I
> have
> five. These are data tapes, not DBBackup tapes.
> Even after doing reclamation of the offsite pool the three tapes in
> question
> remain offsite and remain at 0.5, 2.1, 0.6 percent used.
> Is this normal. I was under the impression that reclamation is supposed to
> avoid this.
> Would appreciate any thoughts on this
> Rgds
> John

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