.frustration on:

Can't help you Gill but I feel your pain. Working through very similar
issues with the Journal feature. We have 5-6 clients that are in the 5
million file range and constantly a problem for us. While it's easy for some
to say just split up the workload on to two or more clients, others don't
look favorably on the cost of additional hardware and labor to run yet
another server. Certainly I don't understand all of the underlying
complexities to make the Journal do what it does but it just appears that
the Journal service doesn't deliver very well at what you think would be the
prime candidates... Large numbers of objects will very few of them changing
on a daily basis. In our case it's around 25-30K changed per day per client.

We run with drives sized at around 55 GB and as a result have 20+ drives on
each server. We have never been able to Journal more than 10 drives at a
time and then, as you are finding, we have issues with the 10 that are
Journaled. Service stops, or we can't stop it, shows not running in the
Services panel but when you try to start it says it is already running.....
and on and on.

Clients are 5.1.1. See the same thing on both Win2k Sp2, Sp3 and NT4 Sp6.

.frustration off:

Curt Magura
Lockheed Martin EIS
Orlando, Fla.

-----Original Message-----
From: Gill, Geoffrey L. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2002 11:36 AM
Subject: Journal errors

I'm still trying to get journaling to work on this node. With almost 5
million files now it's getting to the point of rediculous if you ask me.
Below are some errors that are in the jbberror.log and I was wondering if
anyone can help decipher them for me. What settings might I change in the
ini file that would help.

Sure I'll call support again, but it's been painfully obvious to me that
testing on this option does not compare to my real world situation.

12/15/2002 09:52:26 psFsMonitorThread(tid 1184): Notification buffer overrun
for monitored FS 'G:\'.

12/15/2002 09:52:26 psFsMonitorThread(tid 1184): Reallocating 0x07800000
byte notification buffer.

12/15/2002 09:52:27 psFsMonitorThread(tid 1184): Journal DB will be
restarted for FS 'G:\'.

12/15/2002 09:52:29 psFsMonitorThread(tid 1184): Notification buffer overrun
for monitored FS 'G:\'.

12/15/2002 09:52:29 psFsMonitorThread(tid 1184): Reallocating 0x09000000
byte notification buffer.

12/15/2002 09:52:29 psFsMonitorThread(tid 1184): Journal DB will be
restarted for FS 'G:\'.

12/15/2002 09:52:32 psFsMonitorThread(tid 1184): Notification buffer overrun
for monitored FS 'G:\'.

12/15/2002 09:52:32 psFsMonitorThread(tid 1184): Reallocating 0x0acccccc
byte notification buffer.

12/15/2002 09:52:33 psFsMonitorThread(tid 1184): Journal DB will be
restarted for FS 'G:\'.

12/15/2002 09:52:38 psFsMonitorThread(tid 1184): Notification buffer overrun
for monitored FS 'G:\'.

12/15/2002 09:52:38 psFsMonitorThread(tid 1184): Reallocating 0x0cf5c28e
byte notification buffer.

12/15/2002 09:52:39 psFsMonitorThread(tid 1184): Journal DB will be
restarted for FS 'G:\'.

12/15/2002 09:52:41 psFsMonitorThread(tid 1184): Notification buffer overrun
for monitored FS 'G:\'.

12/15/2002 09:52:41 psFsMonitorThread(tid 1184): Reallocating 0x0f8d4fdd
byte notification buffer.

12/15/2002 09:52:43 psFsMonitorThread(tid 1184): Journal DB will be
restarted for FS 'G:\'.

12/15/2002 09:52:45 psFsMonitorThread(tid 1184): The maximum number of
buffer overun restarts for JFS 'G:\' exceeded,monitor thread terminating.

12/15/2002 09:52:46 JbbMonitorThread(): FS Monitor thread, tid 1184 ended
with return code 122.

Geoff Gill
TSM Administrator
NT Systems Support Engineer
Phone:  (858) 826-4062
Pager:   (877) 905-7154

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