        well, TSM uses standard routing (from the client back to the TSM
The TSM server uses standard routing to reach the client AS SPECIFIED IN THE
TCPCLIENTADDRESS for scheduled events and the packet return address for
non-scheduled activity.

So just set a route on the client that says, if going to the IP address of
the tsm server, use this route and specify the ~other~ nic.

We run this way for all our production systems (actually we just have an
entire secondary network that is a backup network only, well primarily)
been doing it for 7 years now :-)


-----Original Message-----
From: Michelle Wiedeman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, December 19, 2002 5:25 AM
Subject: server access through different network card (ipadres)
Importance: High

hi all,

server adsm 3.1 on AIX 4.3.3 ML 10
client tsm4.1 on AIX 4.3.3 ML 10

This client has been having problems with its network. every night during
the backup the costumers cannot access their databases because the network
card cant handle the load.
Now The idea is to use a second networkcard solely for TSM. Now I cant find
anywhere how I can make TSM understand to access through the other
networkcard as its always accesses the client on clientname and not IP
And as far as ive seen tsm accesses through the primary IP adres.

does anyone know how to do this? and if its actually possible?
I must have it solved by tonight.


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