Hi *SM'ers
   the following lines from the Activity-Log ( Q ACTL begint=03:00 s=rzis3 )
show the backing up of a CMS-Database (C_ontent M_anagement S_ystem). The
latter one is backed up in a "SHUTDOWN"-state, i.e. the Database is NOT
   The biggest piece of the "/opt/oracle"-directory
                rzis3:/opt/oracle # du -ks .
                20287424  .
   has a size of ca. 11GB

IDLETIMEOUT is the default 15 MIN ( not set in dsmserv.opt )

My questions are:
1.      What causes the session 292560 to timeout after 15 mins?

2.      Are the "relicts" of session 292560 the starting base for the
        next session 292567 ( starting at 03:36) and ending with the
        expected results together with the initial session 292560 ?

3.      Are the final results shown in the activity-log TRUE and can I
        trust that the backup is REALLY OK ?

tsm: DS3>q actl begint=03:00 s=rzis3

Date/Time                Message
20.12.2002 03:02:02      ANR0406I Session 292560 started for node RZIS3
20.12.2002 03:02:07      ANR0406I Session 292561 started for node RZIS3
20.12.2002 03:25:02      ANR0482W Session 292560 for node RZIS3 (Linux86)
                          terminated - idle for more than 15 minutes.
20.12.2002 03:36:05      ANR0406I Session 292567 started for node RZIS3
20.12.2002 03:41:09      ANR0403I Session 292561 ended for node RZIS3
20.12.2002 03:41:10      ANE4952I (Session: 292567, Node: RZIS3)  Total
number of
                          objects inspected:  249,812
20.12.2002 03:41:10      ANE4954I (Session: 292567, Node: RZIS3)  Total
number of
                          objects backed up:      140
20.12.2002 03:41:10      ANE4958I (Session: 292567, Node: RZIS3)  Total
number of
                          objects updated:          0
20.12.2002 03:41:10      ANE4960I (Session: 292567, Node: RZIS3)  Total
number of
                          objects rebound:          0
20.12.2002 03:41:10      ANE4957I (Session: 292567, Node: RZIS3)  Total
number of
                          objects deleted:          0
20.12.2002 03:41:10      ANE4970I (Session: 292567, Node: RZIS3)  Total
number of
                          objects expired:          0
20.12.2002 03:41:10      ANE4959I (Session: 292567, Node: RZIS3)  Total
number of
                          objects failed:           0
20.12.2002 03:41:10      ANE4961I (Session: 292567, Node: RZIS3)  Total
number of
                          bytes transferred:     6.21 GB
20.12.2002 03:41:10      ANE4963I (Session: 292567, Node: RZIS3)  Data
                          time:                  256.14 sec
20.12.2002 03:41:10      ANE4966I (Session: 292567, Node: RZIS3)  Network
                          transfer rate:        25,435.16 KB/sec
20.12.2002 03:41:10      ANE4967I (Session: 292567, Node: RZIS3)
Aggregate data
                          transfer rate:      2,775.84 KB/sec
20.12.2002 03:41:10      ANE4968I (Session: 292567, Node: RZIS3)  Objects
                          compressed by:                   71%
20.12.2002 03:41:10      ANE4964I (Session: 292567, Node: RZIS3)  Elapsed
                          processing time:            00:39:07
20.12.2002 03:41:10      ANR0403I Session 292567 ended for node RZIS3

MfG / Ciao         - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Peter Dümpert                                   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Rechenzentrum der Technischen Universität       Fax  : ++49/531/391-5549
D 38092 Braunschweig                            Tel  : ++49/531/391-5535

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