All cart have an access of onsite or offsite.  The data is intact.
The data can be manually moved but reclamation will not move it or tell me why.

Richard Sims <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 12/23/2002 07:44:08 PM

Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


 cc:      (bcc: Michael Raine/NOTES)

 Subject: Re: Reclamation not reclaiming carts

>There are no errors in the acticity log.  Once the reclamation process is
>started the tapes are selected/listed in the activity log but not reclaimed.
>It appears to recognize the tape is available for reclamation but does not even
>mount the tape.
>Collocate is on and there are hundreds of tapes with the same STG.
>Some of the tapes are 99.9% even reclaimable.

In my experience, with large storage pools it can take a while for Reclamation
to initiate - perhaps longer than the window that it is alloted by server
administration commands.

I presume that the subject volumes themselves have good Access values, which
allow them to be mounted and reclaimed?
If you are not already doing so, you must perform regular administrative
queries on your resources to catch those which have gotten bad Access and State
values.  (Do regular 'Query Volume Access=Destroyed',
'Query Volume Access=Reado Stat=Fill', 'Query Volume Access=Unavail', etc.)
This can allow you to discover victim and culprit conditions before they get
out of hand.

The small occupation exhibited by your tapes may involve storage pool files
which span volumes, and reclamation may not be happening because the volume that
the files span to/from are in a state which precludes their use.  I would begin
by performing 'Query CONtent <Volname> F=D' on the least occupied volumes,
looking for Segment numbering other than 1/1 in the first and/or last files,
which indicates spanning from/to other volumes.  The aforementioned queries will
help prevent and detect such conditions.

  Richard Sims, BU

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