Two Windows client fixtests, and, have been removed from
the FTP server because of a potential data corruption problem with online
LAN image backups only, and only on Windows 2000 with those two fixtests.
The PTF and fixtest do not contain the problem.

Windows client fixtest (package name IP22546_06) and
fixtest (package name IP22546_04) have been removed from the FTP server,
because our internal testing detected a potential data corruption problem
with certain Online LAN Image Backups with these fixtest levels only, for
the Windows client only. APAR IC35333 has been opened for this problem,
and it will be fixed in fixtest

Customers should re-backup the online LAN image backups made with those
two fixtests, using either an older level client or the new client
(when it is available) to do the re-backups.

The Windows client fixtest (package name IP22546_04) was also
removed because it can cause an abend in the API client. The API client is
used by other processes, such as the IBM TSM for Mail or Database
products. The problem is described by APAR IC35271, and it is only a
problem in Windows client fixtest It is fixed in (when
available), and customers can use older level API clients as well.

If you have already downloaded and applied fixtests or for
the Windows client, please go back to the or earlier level now,
and then replace your client with the or later Windows client
fixtest (package name IP22546_07 or later) when it becomes available.

We are sorry for the inconvenience. Fixtests are meant to help customers
with critical problems that can't wait for the next fully-tested
deliverable. We do test fixtests, but in a more limited fashion which did
not detect these side effect problems of other fixes. For the future, we
are working to improve our fixtest testing.

I will make a post when the client is available (currently
targeted for Friday, January 3).



Andy Raibeck
IBM Software Group
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development
Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew Raibeck/Tucson/IBM@IBMUS
Internet e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (change eye to i to reply)

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