A "q stg <somediskpool> f=d" will show
          Migration in Progress?: Yes
            Amount Migrated (MB): 276,894.60
Elapsed Migration Time (seconds): 10,881

and once the migration process(es) finish, that should show what was
migrated between when migrations first kicked off and when the last one
finished (or current time if they are still running as in my example above).

Best source of info on client traffic is the dsmaccnt.log file in the tsm
server install directory.
If you, from an admin session, issue the "set accounting on" it will start
writing accounting records for each client session to the "dsmaccnt.log"
file.  Make sure you have plenty of space in the filesystem (depending on
how many clients you have and how many sessions they initiate).  Then just
write some little script/pgm that will sum up the info in the records for
the different nodes.  Since we have 10 TSM servers, there are some things I
do only on a monthly basis...

I do thing like generate overall traffic numbers like
12/21/2002 <tsmsrvz> 1218113360 KB 3574432 sec
12/22/2002 <tsmsrvz> 451869328 KB 3452613 sec
12/23/2002 <tsmsrvz> 332773700 KB 1675172 sec
12/24/2002 <tsmsrvz> 1404730729 KB 2841210 sec
12/25/2002 <tsmsrvz> 285941973 KB 1306029 sec
12/26/2002 <tsmsrvz> 292468155 KB 1213964 sec

Others that show breakdown of types of traffic by tsm client by tsm server
(below are ArchCnt, ArchKB, RetrCnt, RetrKB, BkupCnt, BkupKB, RestCnt,
RestKB, CommKB, CommSec)
11/27/2002 <tsmsrvx> <a_client> 69 233419808 0 0 0 0 0 0 238684872 34567
11/27/2002 <tsmsrvx> <a_client> 5110 4275779270 0 0 0 0 0 0 4276434480
11/28/2002 <tsmsrvx> <a_client> 331 1095677328 0 0 0 0 0 0 1114648820 145480
11/29/2002 <tsmsrvx> <a_client> 5112 4277868551 0 0 0 0 0 0 4278524072
11/30/2002 <tsmsrvx> <a_client> 52 195162800 0 0 0 0 0 0 200597228 29377

others that are totals by server of the different types of traffic
(below shows arch KB, bkup KB, retr KB, rest KB, Inbound KB, Outbound KB)
11/27/2002 <tsmsrvx> 4509199078 0 0 0 4509199078 0
11/28/2002 <tsmsrvx> 1095677328 0 0 0 1095677328 0
11/29/2002 <tsmsrvx> 4277868551 0 0 0 4277868551 0
11/30/2002 <tsmsrvx> 195162800 0 0 0 195162800 0


-----Original Message-----
From: Nelson Kane [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 27, 2002 8:59 AM
Subject: How much data is being backed up per client?

Season's Greetings Tsm'ers,
1) Can someone tell me how to check the amount of data being backed up per
client, and how to obtain the same info for previous days.
2) How much data was in my Disk pool before I migrated it all!

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