Correct, if you have NEVER gone through the ~validate policy~ & ~activate
policy~ you will see an active one listed as $$ACTIVE$$, just a reminder
that you are running with something YOU haven't looked into.

Also if you import a policy from another server, and that policy had an
ACTIVE policy set over on the other server, it will import and have an
ACTIVE policy set BUT it will be listed at $$ACTIVE$$, once again, to let
you know you don't really know for sure what is running because YOU haven't
validated it and/or activated it.

hope this helps...

Dwight E. Cook
Software Application Engineer III
Science Applications International Corporation
509 S. Boston Ave.  Suite 220
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74103-4606
Office (918) 732-7109

-----Original Message-----
From: Oliver Martin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 5:25 AM
Subject: $$ACTIVE$$

Im running TSM Version 3.7.4 on an NT Server 4.0 SP6 and when I make an q
domain I get $$ACTIVE$$ as the active policy class. But I havent defined an
policy set with this name.

Thanks for help.


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