Hi Jack,

here the 2 optsets we use for W2K and for AIX:

please note in AIX, many excludes concern DB2 data, the SAPLOG mangt class
is used to limit retention of SAP batch jobs logs
                René LAMBELET
                NESTEC  SA
                GLOBE - Global Business Excellence
                Central Support Center
                Information Technology
                Av. Nestlé 55  CH-1800 Vevey (Switzerland) 
                tél +41 (0)21 924 35 43   fax +41 (0)21 703 30 17   local
UBS-Nestec, Bussigny
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                This message is intended only for the use of the addressee
        and may contain information that is privileged and confidential.

-----Original Message-----
From: Coats, Jack [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 6:17 PM
Subject: Win2K Excludes

Does someone have a good default exclude list for Windows 2000?  Novell 6?

Option Set - Properties
Option Set Name                          : AIX_NEW
Description                              : Option set for AIX servers
Last updated by                          : SHERRMA
Option Sets  
Option Name      Seq. Number  Overridable  Option Value                                

CHANGINGRETRIES  100          Yes          1                                           
DIRMC            0            Yes          dirmc                                       
INCLEXCL         5            Yes          Exclude /etc/.../ntp.drift                  
INCLEXCL         6            Yes          Exclude /etc/sendmail.pid                   
INCLEXCL         7            Yes          Exclude /etc/snmpd.pid                      
INCLEXCL         8            Yes          Exclude /etc/syslog.pid                     
INCLEXCL         9            Yes          Exclude /etc/mnttab                         
INCLEXCL         10           Yes          Exclude /etc/rmtab                          
INCLEXCL         11           Yes          Exclude /etc/sm/*                           
INCLEXCL         12           Yes          Exclude /var/dt/X*                          
INCLEXCL         14           Yes          Exclude /var/tmp/.../*                      
INCLEXCL         15           Yes          Exclude /tmp/.../*                          
INCLEXCL         26           Yes          Exclude /usr/es/adm/cluster.log             
INCLEXCL         28           Yes          Exclude /usr/tmp/.../*                      
INCLEXCL         30           Yes          Exclude /usr/tivoli/tsm/.../*               
INCLEXCL         32           Yes          Exclude /usr/.../*.h                        
INCLEXCL         33           Yes          Exclude /usr/.../*.htm                      
INCLEXCL         34           Yes          Exclude /usr/.../*.jpg                      
INCLEXCL         51           Yes          Exclude /.../.netscape_cache/.../*          
INCLEXCL         53           Yes          Exclude /.../.Xauthority                    
INCLEXCL         54           Yes          Exclude /.../dsmaccnt.log                   
INCLEXCL         55           Yes          Exclude /.../.sh_history                    
INCLEXCL         57           Yes          Exclude /.../nohup.out                      
INCLEXCL         59           Yes          Exclude /.../sulog                          
INCLEXCL         60           Yes          Exclude /.../dsmerror.log                   
INCLEXCL         61           Yes          Exclude /.../dsmsched.log                   
INCLEXCL         62           Yes          Exclude /.../dsierror.log                   
INCLEXCL         63           Yes          Exclude /.../core                           
INCLEXCL         64           Yes          Exclude /.../wtmp                           
INCLEXCL         65           Yes          Exclude /.../lost+found/.../*               
INCLEXCL         71           Yes          Exclude.dir /.../smplog                     
INCLEXCL         73           Yes          Exclude.dir /var/adm/syslog                 
INCLEXCL         74           Yes          Exclude.dir /usr/HTTPServer/logs            
INCLEXCL         75           Yes          Exclude.dir /usr/docsearch                  
INCLEXCL         76           Yes          Exclude.dir /usr/dt                         
INCLEXCL         77           Yes          Exclude.dir /usr/lib                        
INCLEXCL         78           Yes          Exclude.dir /usr/lpp                        
INCLEXCL         79           Yes          Exclude.dir /usr/share                      
INCLEXCL         80           Yes          Exclude.dir /usr/websm                      
INCLEXCL         82           Yes          Include /usr/local/.../*                    
INCLEXCL         84           Yes          Include /usr/.../dsm.sys                    
INCLEXCL         86           Yes          Include /usr/.../dsm.opt                    
INCLEXCL         87           Yes          Include /usr/.../volhist*.file              
INCLEXCL         88           Yes          Include /usr/.../devconf*.file              
INCLEXCL         90           Yes          Exclude.fs /bigtmp                          
INCLEXCL         92           Yes          Exclude.fs /mksysb_backup                   
INCLEXCL         110          Yes          Exclude.fs /oracle*/.../oradata             
INCLEXCL         144          Yes          Exclude.fs /SAPHELP*                        
INCLEXCL         146          Yes          Exclude.fs /db2/.../log_dir                 
INCLEXCL         148          Yes          Exclude.fs /db2/.../log_archive             
INCLEXCL         150          Yes          Exclude.fs /db2/.../log_retrieve            
INCLEXCL         152          Yes          Exclude.fs /sapdb/.../data*                 
INCLEXCL         153          Yes          Exclude.fs /sapdb/.../dbsys                 
INCLEXCL         154          Yes          Exclude.dir /sapdb/.../dbsys                
INCLEXCL         160          Yes          Exclude.fs /sapdb/.../log                   
INCLEXCL         170          Yes          Exclude /db2/.../sapdata*/.../TEMP*/*       
INCLEXCL         172          Yes          Exclude /db2/.../sapdata*/.../*.container*  
INCLEXCL         173          Yes          Exclude.dir /var/ha/log                     
INCLEXCL         174          Yes          exclude.dir '/mw_globe/adapter/.../*.log'   
INCLEXCL         201          Yes          Include /.../global/???JOBLG/* SAPLOG       
INCLEXCL         202          Yes          Include /db2/.../db2dump/* SAPLOG           
INCLEXCL         203          Yes          Include /db2/.../saparch/* SAPLOG           
QUIET            101          Yes          yes                                         
SCROLLPROMPT     102          No           yes                                         
TXNBYTELIMIT     103          No           25600                                       
Option Set - Properties
Option Set Name                          : OPTSET_W2K
Description                              : Option set for NT/W2K servers
Last updated by                          : RLAMBEL
Option Sets  
Option Name          Seq. Number  Overridable  Option Value                            

CHANGINGRETRIES      0            No           1                                       
DIRMC                0            Yes          dirmc                                   
INCLEXCL             1            Yes          Include '?:\*NT_SYSTEM'                 
INCLEXCL             2            Yes          Exclude.dir 'c:\PROGRAM 
INCLEXCL             3            Yes          Exclude.dir '*:\...\Temporary Internet 
INCLEXCL             4            Yes          Exclude.dir '*:\...\TEMP'               
INCLEXCL             5            Yes          Exclude.dir '*:\...\RECYCLE*'           
INCLEXCL             6            Yes          Exclude.dir '*:\...\Driver Cache'       
INCLEXCL             7            Yes          Exclude.dir '*:\...\Cache'              
INCLEXCL             8            Yes          Exclude.dir '*:\...\ntfrs\jet'          
INCLEXCL             9            Yes          Exclude.dir '*:\...\ntds'               
INCLEXCL             10           No           Exclude.dir '*:\System Volume 
INCLEXCL             11           Yes          Exclude '*:\...\SYSTEM32\CONFIG\*'      
INCLEXCL             12           Yes          Exclude '*:\...\*.dmp'                  
INCLEXCL             13           Yes          Exclude '*:\...\cache\...\*'            
INCLEXCL             14           Yes          Exclude 'c:\winnt\symbols\...\*'        
INCLEXCL             15           Yes          Exclude '*:\...\*.ost'                  
INCLEXCL             16           Yes          Exclude '*:\...\pagefile*.sys'          
INCLEXCL             17           Yes          Exclude '*:\...\EA DATA.SF'             
INCLEXCL             18           Yes          Exclude '*:\WINNT\CSC\...\*'            
INCLEXCL             19           Yes          Exclude '*:\DOCUMENTS AND 
INCLEXCL             20           Yes          Exclude '*:\DOCUMENTS AND 
INCLEXCL             21           Yes          Exclude 
INCLEXCL             22           Yes          Exclude '*:\DOCUMENTS\...\INDEX.DAT'    
INCLEXCL             23           Yes          Exclude 
INCLEXCL             24           Yes          Exclude '*:\WINNT\NETLOGON.CHG'         
INCLEXCL             25           Yes          Exclude '*:\HIBERFIL*.SYS'              
INCLEXCL             26           Yes          Exclude '*:\SIS Common Store\*.*'       
INCLEXCL             27           Yes          Exclude '*:\WINNT\SCHEDLGU.TXT'         
INCLEXCL             28           Yes          Exclude '*:\WINNT\DEBUG\*.*'            
INCLEXCL             29           Yes          Exclude '*:\...\ntuser.da*'             
INCLEXCL             30           Yes          Exclude '*:\...\usrclass.da*'           
INCLEXCL             31           Yes          Exclude '*:\...\VxsvcError.log.tmp'     
INCLEXCL             32           Yes          Exclude '*:\...\dsm*.log'               
INCLEXCL             33           Yes          Exclude '*:\...\perflib*.*'             
INCLEXCL             34           Yes          Exclude '*:\...\edb*.log'               
INCLEXCL             35           Yes          Exclude '*:\...\*.edb'                  
INCLEXCL             36           Yes          Exclude '*:\...\cpl.cfg'                
INCLEXCL             37           Yes          Include ?:\...\*.pst PST                
INCLEXCL             38           Yes          Include.systemobject ALL SYSTEM_OBJECT  
INCLEXCL             39           Yes          Include '*:\adsm.sys\...\*'             
INCLEXCL             40           Yes          Exclude 
INCLEXCL             42           Yes          Exclude.dir 'C:\Program files\NAVNT'    
QUIET                0            Yes          yes                                     
RESOURCEUTILIZATION  0            No           5                                       
SCROLLPROMPT         0            Yes          yes                                     
TXNBYTELIMIT         0            Yes          25600                                   

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