I take it you have a specific reason why don't you want him running
(completing) a night's backup ?
If it is only due to files that change frequently being backed up a second
time within a day, you could look into setting the backup copy group's
frequency to 1.  (all depends on specifically you are wanting to stop)
You could do something like have an admin schedule that would lock the node
in the morning and unlock it just prior to its next backup (but that can
bite you)
If the admin is really causing problems (as I know they can) try explaining
why they shouldn't be doing what they are doing and how it impacts things
If they don't see the light, then go down the ~lock the node out~ road (and
make sure and save some of the mail messages where you tried to resolve
things in a friendly way.


-----Original Message-----
From: Bernard Rosenbloom [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2003 3:07 PM
Subject: TSM backup command line

We have an end-user that accesses the TSM backup client command line on
our TSM INTEL clients ( and runs the dsmc i command to start
maual backups on servers that failed scheduled backups the previous
night. He is the System Administrator on the INTEL boxes so we can't
prevent him from acessing the TSM command line.
We don't want the want the incremental backup to run. Anybody have any
ideas on what TSM measures we can take prevent the backup from running
or kill the session ?

AIX(4.3.3) TSM ( server

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