Does anybody know where I can find a description of the data found in the
dsmaccnt.log. I do have a feeling that I found what I was looking for for a
long time. (statistics of what my SQL nodes are backing up).


-----Original Message-----
From: Cook, Dwight E [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 09, 2003 8:57 AM
Subject: Re: How to check utilization of your storagepools automaticly

That isn't easy to answer...

here is my 2 cents worth...
For tape pools, you really need to track utilization over a period of time.
Look for how much data is added daily, how much might be going away, how
much expires off each tape, do tapes readily become available via
reclamation or do you end up with lots of tapes at 60% util for extended
periods of time.
I set up little jobs to provide me information like
Thu Jan 9 06:05:17 CST 2003 You have 199 SCRATCH and 1256 PRIVATE volumes of
which 15 are filling, the rest are full.
on a daily basis for all the TSM servers here...
In a unix environment this is just an echo command with a bunch of
dsmadmc -id=blah -pass=blah q libvol | grep Scratch | wc -l
dsmadmc -id=blah -pass=blah q libvol | grep Private | wc -l
dsmadmc -id=blah -pass=blah q vol stat=filling | grep Filling | wc -l

After you track things for a while you can determine at what rate tapes are
consumed and when you will need more.

Same sort of thing applies to the diskpool(s).
If you push to diskpools and then migrate to tape, in general you will want
at least as much total diskpool space as you take in data on a nightly
basis... dsmaccnt.log records are good for this sort of information.

So I don't believe one can totally automate things BUT I do have a lot of
info sent to me automatically for review on a daily  or monthly basis...


-----Original Message-----
From: Nilsson Niklas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 09, 2003 8:39 AM
Subject: How to check utilization of your storagepools automaticly


I need a way to check my tapepools when to add more scratch and my
diskpools to add more disc's?

/Regards Niklas

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