Well, TSM doesn't want to label them while they are PRIVATE and TSM doesn't
really know what is going on...
You might be able to do a del vol against them to get them back to scratch,
then do your label libvol
I believe you can use the volrange if you specify search=yes BUT I'd make
sure and use overwrite=no to be safe.
You might be able to get your label libvol command to run even with them as
private if you used overwrite=yes but I never like using that especially if
I specify a volrange... creates room for errors.................... and your
vols would still be in a private status.
Since you have 220 tapes you need to correct...
if you have excel & a unix box with vi do this...
in excel, in 1,A  stick your initial volser (like AAA001)
then do the little expand down the column and let excel fill
you will notice that excel will increment the numbers :-)
now cut that out of the excel spread sheet and over in a unix window, vi a
file, call it MYMACRO
then go into insert mode and paste all your volsers.
Now go into cursor movement mode and do a
:g/^/s//del vol /
that will stick
del vol
at the front of all your volsers, now save that and call it as a macro from
an  admin session.
takes less than a minute...
Other helpful VI edit commands if you have a list of volsers already in a
file and you wish to do something like build checkin commands...
:g/^/s//checkin libvol mylibrname /
followed by
:g/$/s// checklabel=no status=scratch dev=mydevtype/
and now you just wq the file and call it from an admin session...
you can do checkouts the same way...
hope this helps.


-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Ford [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, January 13, 2003 1:32 PM
Subject: label/checkin libvolume

Last Friday, we upgraded our 3584 tape library with an expansion frame.
After the expansion was installed, I loaded 220 new LTO tapes and ran a
"checkin libvol ...".  TSM tried to use these volumes over the weekend and
couldn't read the labels (because they aren't labelled).  Well, I should
have run a "label libvol ...", and now all of the new tapes have their
status set to "Private" thanks to TSM.  I tried to run "label libvol ..."
this morning when I discovered the issue, but it didn't work due to the fact
they are already in the library.

My question is, how do I retroactively label these volumes?  Is there some
command that I could issue to update them all at one (ie: volrange=XXX,XXX)?

Thanks in advance!

    Peter Ford
    System Engineer

Stentor, Inc.
 5000 Marina Blvd,
 Brisbane, CA 94005-1811
 Main Phone: 650-228-5555
 Fax: 650 228-5566

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