
I think you probably can do this; at worst you may have to do the
upgrade db at - I think that's the new base at version 5.

Another thing to remember is that the server will need re-licensing
at V5.  It also uses a different connectivity for the tape drives
- at you use simply define/update drive; at 5.1 you need
to bring in the define/update path commands.  You may know all
this already if you have been testing out V5 in advance.

If you can avoid restore db and use the db that you have moved,
I would say that would be more likely to work; restore db is
not always supported across releases (or more likely, not tested)
- it might work, but it might not.  You could test that in advance
by setting up a little new db, dump it to file, shift it (ftp) to
the p670 and do the restore db.  Come to that, you could do the
same with upgradedb. Set up little db as files, move it, upgrade.

I always like to know where I stand before the final move!  The
things I've forgotten are usually enough to keep life interesting
on the day.  Good luck with the upgrades.

Best wishes, Sheelagh
Sheelagh Treweek
Oxford University Computing Services
Phone: +44 (0)1865 273205 Fax:-273275

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Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2003 15:47:28 -0600
From: Jeff G Kloek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Database question

Part of our upcoming move includes moving from TSM on AIX 4.3.3 on
RS6000 S7A to TSM on P670 on AIX 5.2.
I've set up an instance of TSM at that level on the P670. Now I'm trying to
fathom the best way to actually move the database
over. I'm going to be dropping all the disk and tape connections from the
S7A and connecting them to the P670. I'll have time
to get all the devices defined and paths defined, so that with the
exception of the path statements, the storage pools, libraries
tape drives, log directories, db directories and files will all be
configured the same as before. My question is this: If I did all the
above, could I simply do a "dsmserv upgradedb" and let it fly?
I'm sure this isn't supported, so I'm just wondering aloud.


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