Hi all TSMers

I need some dummies guide kind of pointers here. I have downloaded a copy
of the performance tuning guide for TSM server 4.2 and it has lots of great

But where do I start? Here is my basic situation.

TSM Server running on an Sun E250 1GB memory, 400Mhz, Solaris 2.7
50 GB backupool
8.5 GB DB - 80% utilised
1 GB Log

I backup 26 servers, mostly Solaris and NT, but some OS2, one Linux and one
Mac OSX.

I want to know where the best place to start with tuning is. We don't do
much in the way of restores (touch wood), so I want to see about speeding
up backups first. What are the best parameters to look at for this? I know
you are probably going to say, 'Read the Manual', but I always tend to find
other people's real world experience a great starting point. The main
reason is that I'm sure our backups are running quite slowly.

I'm thinking that TCPWindowsize may be worth looking at, and BUFPool size?
Our DB cache hit rate is rarely over 97%. We only have 1GB ram, so what is
an acceptable value to set for the BUFPollsize. I have set
SELFTunebufpoolsize. Also, what sort of impact does a 97% cache hit pct
have on backups?

Ok, so this is a low level question, but you people may help me to ask the
correct questions.

Thanks in advance

Farren Minns - John Wiley & Sons Ltd

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