Kunio Miyazawa wrote:

Thank you for your reply.
Unfortuenately this method doesn't work in our case.
Only the specific connection will be disconnected by idle 1H
even we ping every 5 mins from server to storageagent.

That's because an ICMP packet isn't the same connection as your TCP data.

Enable tcp keepalives & set the keepalive interval lower than your
firewall timeout (Checkpoint by any chance? They use 1 hour by default
IIRC). Then of course the endpoints have to set SO_KEEPALIVE on the
socket, but if they don't, you can always raise a problem ticket to try
get it done...


Had a similar problem and one solution would be to write a script on
your TSM Server that pings the ip address of the Storage Agent Machine
once every 55 min.  In our case this kept the route alive so the Client
(or Agent in your case) knows how to get back to the TSM Server.

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
Kunio Miyazawa
Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2003 4:32 PM
Subject: keepalive between server and storage agent


We have a firewall between TSM server and StorageAgent.
This firewall disconnects an idle connection after one hour.
This becomes a cause of problem when StorageAgent gets MediaW.
If MediaW is over 1H, StorageAgent does not mount a volume any more.
Waiting a volume forever even drives are free.
Does anyone know how to prevent this?

Server version, StorageAgent is same.
AIX4.3.3 ML08

Thanks in advance.

K. Miyazawa
SRA Europe B.V.


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