On Wed, Jan 22, 2003 at 12:20:05PM +0100, Lars Bebensee wrote:
> The only hint I was able to find was in DB2's diag logs:
> 2003-01-19-   Instance:db2minst   Node:001
> PID:51956(db2agent (DB2MPROD) 1)   Appid:*N1.db2minst.030119170156
> database_utilities  sqlubcka   Probe:20   Database:DB2MPROD
> ffff fbf5 556e 6162 6c65 2074 6f20 6f62       ????Unable to ob
> 7461 696e 2073 7570 6572 2065 7863 6c75       tain super exclu
> 7369 7665 2063 6f6e 6e65 6374 696f 6e00       sive connection.
> Anyone there to translate??

In order to backup the database _offline_, you need a super exclusive
connection to the database, thus no other client connections are
allowed. It seems there were another connections to the database during
the attempt of the offline backup. You have two options. a. run an
online backup and save the logs, b. before the scheduled offline backup,
force all client connections off the db. (db2 force application all)

"Seize the day - I heard him say - life will not always be this way,
Look around, hear the sounds, cherish your life while you're still around."

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