TSM with DRM, W2K Server

Does anyone else backup their backup server?

IBM setup my backup server to back itself up. During it's backup it only
grabs about 7MB of misc files from the logical drive E$ that the 300GB
diskpool also resides on.

The problem that I am having, is when trying to clean up filespaces, I found
that the logical drive E$ is showing a filespace of about 350GB at 91 Pct
Util. I have tried to delete the filespace in TSM, but it returns the next
day, same size.

Are the filespaces for diskpools handled specially? Am I missing something
here? Isn't the diskpool a dynamic pool? I migrate from it to tapepool twice
a day to zero it out anyway, why is it holding a 300GB filespace with the
logs only showing a 7MB backup? Am I reading q filespace wrong? I need to
remove/identify unneeded filespace because I am running out of room. The
system is not giving up any mountables so I can put scratch in.

Any help would be appreciated.
Mark B.

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