Hi all,

I have a problem on our W2K-Servers :

to have a faster restore on user profiles we used to backup the
profiles-directory of the users more often then the rest of the machines.
That was when we had novell-servers. The selective statement was easy.
Now with w2k we have the problem that the profile-directory is under the
e.g. : "\\bibfs01\d$\data1\user\<USERNAME>\Profile4.0-Desktop"
in the user-directory there are a lot of directories named like the users
are called. In the <username>-directory are beneath the profile,all the
users data (and that are a lot) stored. Those data we do not want to backup.

How can I only backup the <username>/Profilexxxx without backing up all the
data under the <username> directory.
e.g : selective "\\bibfs01\d$\data1\user\...\Profile*"   ??? (that one does
not work)

Thanks for help


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