I don't understand why this archive test reports a failure in one instance
and success in another. The first is listed as Action Archive. I have taken
the information from the command file that reports a failure and created
this schedule so the directories being archived are exactly the same and the
options are the same. When the server runs this schedule ir is successful.

When the server runs the archive1.cmd file from the client there is always
the "ANS1076E *** Directory path not found ***" error logged, which is
probably why it reports the failure. I just haven't been able to figure out
exactly what directory it is talking about so maybe someone can help. I can
run the dsmc archive line below directly from the baclient directory and get
the same error.

Now I have checked the number files archived and size of both of these
archives and they are exactly the same so both got everything. This makes it
a bit more strange why one reports the failure for the Directory path not
found. If anyone has any suggestions I would appreciate it.

Here is the command file from the client.
SET PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\tsm1
SET DSM_CONFIG=c:\program files\tivoli\tsm\baclient\tsm1\tsm1dsm.opt
SET DSM_DIR=c:\program files\tivoli\tsm\baclient\tsm1
SET DSM_LOG=c:\logs
cd c:\program files\tivoli\tsm\baclient\tsm1
dsmc archive -archmc=Month-mgt D:\ADSM\ D:\Programs\ D:\AIX-TSM-Setup\
D:\images\ -subdir=yes description="Monthly Archive kept for 6 months"

The schedule reports failed:
Scheduled Start      Actual Start         Schedule Name Node Name     Status

-------------------- -------------------- ------------- -------------
01/23/03 22:00:00    01/23/03 22:00:02    ARCHIVE1      AVS           Failed

The schedlog has this error:

01/23/2003 22:01:18 Next operation scheduled:
01/23/2003 22:01:18
01/23/2003 22:01:18 Schedule Name: ARCHIVE1
01/23/2003 22:01:18 Action: Command
01/23/2003 22:01:18 Objects: c:\commands\archive1.cmd
01/23/2003 22:01:18 Options:
01/23/2003 22:01:18 Server Window Start: 22:00:00 on 01/23/2003
01/23/2003 22:01:18
01/23/2003 22:01:18
Executing scheduled command now.
01/23/2003 22:01:18
Executing Operating System command or script:
01/24/2003 00:27:30 Finished command. Return code is: 12
01/24/2003 00:27:30 ANS1909E The scheduled command failed.
01/24/2003 00:27:31 ANS1512E Scheduled event 'ARCHIVE1' failed. Return code
= 12.
01/24/2003 00:27:31 Sending results for scheduled event 'ARCHIVE1'.
01/24/2003 00:27:32 Session established with server TSM: AIX-RS/6000
01/24/2003 00:27:32 Server Version 5, Release 1, Level 6.0
01/24/2003 00:27:32 Server date/time: 01/24/2003 00:26:17 Last access:
01/23/2003 22:00:04
01/24/2003 00:27:32 Results sent to server for scheduled event 'ARCHIVE1'.

The errorlog shows this:

01/23/2003 22:01:20 ANS1076E *** Directory path not found ***
01/24/2003 00:27:30 ANS1909E The scheduled command failed.
01/24/2003 00:27:31 ANS1512E Scheduled event 'ARCHIVE1' failed. Return code
= 12.

Geoff Gill
TSM Administrator
NT Systems Support Engineer
Phone:  (858) 826-4062
Pager:   (877) 905-7154

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