Hi Chris!
I´m working with LTO, AIT, S-DLT, SLR and et c.
But what are you going to backing up. That is the question.
But here is some good point on AIT and LTO.

AIT3 :
Fast access (Access to first data  under 10 Sec)
12 MB/s (Uncompress)
Read/Write header have a plastik shild so it´s easy to clean.
Less Shosining. (Tapes lifts longer)
The tapes take less space.
Read/Write back well compatiboly.
But new tapes each time when you upgrade to a new ver.

But I don´t like the ADIC library. I think if you want AIT talk to Spectra
Logic insted. Much better library.

Open Source technoligy. So that mean more then one company developing the
16MB/s uncompressed.
Next generation is on it way. So you have 200 GB on each tape uncompressed.
Don´t know if you can write on the old tapes. But I haird that LTO2 is new
tapes. So that mean you still need to buy new tapes when you upgrade from
to LTO2.
And LTO have some problem between Seagate, IBM and HP ver of LTO.
Ex. (Don´t no if there have fixit on Seagate and IBM but HP have).
You can not run a cleaning tape who is from HP on a IBM drive?
And I hiard some people have problem to read tapes who have wroted buy a
drive who is create buy another company.

But the question is. What are you going to backing up. And how fast do you
to restore it?
Do you want short restore time on small files?
Then you going to choice AIT.
If you going to restore big files?
Then choice LTO.

Med Vänliga Hälsningar/Best Regards
Christian Svensson


Cristie Nordic AB
Box 2
SE-131 06 Nacka

Phone : +46-(0)8-641 96 30
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