we have been running on AIX 4.3.3. Ml10 for about 2 month and the server
hasn't crashed once, ( cross fingers)
It has about 35 clients backing up roughly 500 GB per night and 1,2 TB on
weekends. Client OS's are AIX, Novell, W2k with ba level from 4.2.x.x to
Hardware is a RS6k H80 with 1 GB RAM and an ADIC1000 Lib 2 Mod and a 3575 L32,
TSM DB is 23GB and log is 3.5 GB.

Q: Why is your log so big?

Here is a small, simple script, if you cron it every 30 min it starts the TSM
server without intervention. Helps if TSM crashes at night, you sleep better :
put an empty file called halt.tsm in your home dir if u want to do maintanance,
so it won't start TSM. ( Any improvements welcome)
/home/root:cat test_tsm.cmd
cd /$home
ps -e | grep dsmserv > dsmtest

if test -r halt.tsm
                 echo Server maintanance
                    elif test ! -s dsmtest
                       then cd /usr/tivoli/tsm/server/bin
                            exec dsmserv &
                            echo mail TSM Server <XXXXXXX> crashed | mail -s


Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best Regards

Markus Veit

                                                An: [EMAIL PROTECTED]               
                                                Thema:   Re: TSM v. server on 
              [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                               
              Received :  28.01.2003                                                   
              Bitte antworten an "ADSM:                                                
              Dist Stor Manager"                                                       

We installed the TSM patches on TSM and AIX 5.1 last
Wednesday. Since then, about every 18 hours, we core dump and TSM goes down.
(Makes for nasty beeps and telephone calls in the night not to mention
ticked off ADMINs with applications that don't get backed up.) TSM support
has suggested that the patch will solve our problem.  We're
installing tomorrow morning and will find out!

John G. Talafous              IS Technical Principal
The Timken Company            Global Software Support
P.O. Box 6927                 Data Management
1835 Dueber Ave. S.W.         Phone: (330)-471-3390
Canton, Ohio USA  44706-0927  Fax  : (330)-471-4034
[EMAIL PROTECTED]           http://www.timken.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Reiss David IT751 (ext-CDI) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2003 1:12 PM
Subject: TSM v. server on AIX

Last week, I installed the TSM v4.2.3.2 server patch on a AIX 4.3.3 ML10 box
with 2 GB RAM, a 100 GB TSM Database, with 10 GB of logspace. Come this
morning, it core dumped with a useless truncated core file and no real
messages in the errpt, activity log, or dsmserv.err file.

TSM support gave me no real things to follow up with other then watch and
see if it happens again.

We did note that TSM v. server patch was released on Friday though.
Does anybody know if there are any problems of mysterious or unexplained
crashing that existed within the code set?


David N. Reiss
TSM Support Engineer

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