I have seen this on my system with 3590 E1A drives.
TSM server on AIX 4.3.3 ML10
I did an audit of my tapes & found about 20 that were in this status.  I
checked them out & relabeled them.  I now have it down to 2 tapes that when
TSM tries to use them it changes there status to private!
I the actlog I see the following message: 

01/04/03 14:04:41     ANR8355E I/O error reading label for volume D00600 in

                       drive 3590DRV1 (/dev/rmt1).

01/04/03 14:05:15     ANR8778W Scratch volume D00600 changed to Private
                       to prevent re-access.

Any ideas?

Bruce Kamp
Midrange Systems Analyst II
Memorial Healthcare System
P: (954) 987-2020 x4597
F: (954) 985-1404

-----Original Message-----
From: Markus Veit [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2003 7:39 AM
Subject: Antwort: Re: Antwort: Tape status

Does  the actlog say somthing like" unable to read label of volume xxxx
status is now changed to private to prevent reaccess"

I also have to agree with Richard, you should supply more relevant info ;-)

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best Regards

Markus Veit




                                                An: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


                                                Thema:   Re: Antwort: Tape

              [EMAIL PROTECTED]

              Received :  29.01.2003


              Bitte antworten an "ADSM:

              Dist Stor Manager"



Tsm server version 5.1.0 on a windows 2000 platform.
When u do a q libv xxxx vol_name f=d, this is the result:

Library Name: IBM3583
   Volume Name: LT2400L1
        Status: Private
      Last Use: Data
  Home Element: 4,101
Cleanings Left:
As for q vol <vol_name> the result is :

Volume Name               Storage      Device      Estimated    Pct   Volume

                          Pool Name    Class Name   Capacity   Util   Status

------------------------  -----------  ----------  ---------  -----
LT2400L1                  WEEKLY       LTO               0.0    0.0   Empty


-----Original Message-----
From: Markus Veit [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 29 January 2003 01:02
Subject: Antwort: Tape status

Hi Thabani
what TSM server level are we talking about?
What is the output of q libv xxxxx <volume_name> f=d and q vol <volume_name>
does the actlog say something like " volume xxxxx is now set to status
private to prevent reaccess"?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best Regards

Markus Veit

                                                An: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


                                                Thema:   Tape status

              [EMAIL PROTECTED]

              Received :  29.01.2003


              Bitte antworten an "ADSM:

              Dist Stor Manager"

Hi Tsmers,

I have a problem with my tapes in the LTO 3583 library. I checked in three
scratch tapes for my weekly backup schedule and they are now marked private.
The problem is, there is no data in these tapes they are empty. Anyone who
has had this before or know the solution to it.

Thank you in advance.

Thabani Bengani
Property & Asset Finance - IT
Nedbank Corporate
Ext. 364 2113
Cell. 0825716778

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