I am in the process of recovering our production TSM server to a test
server.  Here are the basic steps I am using:

   Stop all processes on production server
   Full backup of database
   FTP Plan file from Production to Test
   Eject tape from production library (IBM 3494)
   Insert tape into test library (IBM3494)
   Explode the plan file on test
   Run recovery scripts

Now, I am getting the new database volumes defined and formatted, but on
the 1st 2 log volumes I get the following:

+ print Remove server log volume /adsmdb/logvol01.dsm
Remove server log volume /adsmdb/logvol01.dsm
+ rm -f /adsmdb/logvol01.dsm
+ print Create the server log volume /adsmdb/logvol01.dsm 50M
Create the server log volume /adsmdb/logvol01.dsm 50M
+ /usr/bin/dsmfmt -m -log /adsmdb/logvol01.dsm 50
AIX Server DSMFMT Extent/Volume Formatting Program

Licensed Materials - Property of IBM

5697-TSM (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 1990, 1997.  All rights reserved.
U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure
restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corporation.

Actual allocation for /adsmdb/logvol01.dsm will be 53 MB
Error writing file /adsmdb/logvol01.dsm, errno = 28
+ print Remove server log volume /adsmdb/logvol02.dsm
Remove server log volume /adsmdb/logvol02.dsm
+ rm -f /adsmdb/logvol02.dsm
+ print Create the server log volume /adsmdb/logvol02.dsm 50M
Create the server log volume /adsmdb/logvol02.dsm 50M
+ /usr/bin/dsmfmt -m -log /adsmdb/logvol02.dsm 50
AIX Server DSMFMT Extent/Volume Formatting Program

Licensed Materials - Property of IBM

5697-TSM (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 1990, 1997.  All rights reserved.
U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure
restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corporation.

Actual allocation for /adsmdb/logvol02.dsm will be 53 MB
Error writing file /adsmdb/logvol02.dsm, errno = 28

I don't usually work on the aix server (I usually work on OS/390), but, I
am the only one available at the moment.  What is the errno=28?  Did the
file not get removed, before allocating the new one?


Just so you know, I am restoring v, to upgrade to and test v
5.1.x.x.  The aix server is v4.3.2.


Michael Moore
VF Services Inc.
105 Corporate Center Blvd.
Greensboro,  NC  27408
336.424.4423 (Voice)
336.424.4544 (Fax)
336.507.5199 (Pager)

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