Been trying to get this archive going and for whatever reason I don't understand the error from the error log. From what I recall this used to work fine when it was on a 4.2 level on the client.
Client is NT4 SP6 TSM version DSM.OPT is as follows: Some of the names have been changes to protect the innocent. LANG AMENG COMMmethod TCPIP TCPServeraddress TCPPort 1500 COMPRESSION YES COMPRESSALWAYS NO NODEname node02 REPLACE PROMPT SUBDIR Y tcpbuffsize 32 tcpwindowsize 63 passwordaccess generate resourceutilization 3 changingretries 2 maxcmdretries 2 queryschedperiod 24 Retryperiod 15 Schedmode prompted SCHEDLOGNAME C:\Logs\dsmsched.log ERRORLOGNAME C:\Logs\dsmerror.log SCHEDLOGRETENTION 7 D ERRORLOGRETENTION 7 D tapeprompt no I see the following errors in the dsmerror.log. 02/03/2003 07:29:14 mpDestroy: Memory Pool #18 doesn't exist 02/03/2003 07:30:13 NpOpen: Named pipe error connecting to server WaitOnPipe failed. NpOpen: call failed with return code:121 pipe name \\.\pipe\jnl <file://\\.\pipe\jnl> The command the server is running on the client is as follows: SET PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\IBM\ADSM\baclient SET DSM_CONFIG=C:\Program Files\IBM\ADSM\baclient\dsm.opt SET DSM_DIR=C:\Program Files\IBM\ADSM\baclient SET DSM_LOG=c:\logs cd C:\Program Files\IBM\ADSM\baclient dsmc archive -subdir=yes -archmc=incr-mgt g:\ITS-Library\ g:\SAIC SYSTEMS -description="Monthly Archive kept for 6 months" Geoff Gill TSM Administrator NT Systems Support Engineer SAIC E-Mail: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [EMAIL PROTECTED] Phone: (858) 826-4062 Pager: (877) 905-7154